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![]() Blogger felfel & Stephanie Tag
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Thursday, September 24, 2009, 3:55 AM
today is like super happening day larhs. slacked the whole day and ii realised ii really need to once again buck up :D anyways. ii saw a doraemon car just now and ii will post up the photos asap derhs. hahas!Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 10:30 PM
5 September 2009pleasant day for slacking. Friday, August 28, 2009, 11:15 PM
blogger felfel,to bystander: erm. ii guess you did not get what i meant on that post. "Even the church also want us to dress up! Are you trying to imply that the church wants us to seduce people outside?" I'm asking a question here. I did not say that it's wrong to dress up for church. To be exact, I just wanted to rebuke somebody who actually accused me of dressing up to seduce people. Church is just one of the examples to tell that person dressing up is not wrong. 12:17 AM
Blogger 1, felfel: Every time I see you, there is nothing but hatred for you. I simply just wish that you can vanish from my world. From the beginning even before I've known you, I have already disliked you. Reason being you're sister to someone I hate. Because of him, I got to know you better and had actually thought that perhaps you're actually not like what I've imagined you to be. However, you proved me wrong. You're just as evil as your sister. Or maybe worse. I admit my vocabulary is limited but my grammar is definitely good! Sad to say, it's wasted for those vocabulary words to stay in your brain as you don't really use them until your rantings in your blog. In many people's eyes, you are just a pathetic self righteous freak. Do you really think that you are in all ways better than us? The fact is, you are not! You are just a flat chested ugly looking freak with a foul temper! So what if he comes back to you? You've lost so much more than what is worth. If I were you, I wouldn't allow so much friends to slip away from me because of a guy I liked. Now, more people is on my side and they dislike, detest & hates you! I have nothing but pity for you, but my pity do not extend as far as to tolerate your unfair critical judgment against my friend and I. You have no true friends but I do. I am very much happier than you with my loving family and trusting friend. Who do you have? Those gangsters who helps you when you want to create trouble? Or those who want to woo you? Or hypocrites like you? I just don’t understand how you can be so full of yourself. Figure, character, heart and studies. From our point of view, you have no figure, bad character, no heart and poor academic results. Nothing is good at all. If you think that you've won, so sorry to disappoint you, you did not at all win. You've only invoked pity and hatred for yourself. Also, putting on make up is a form of courtesy to people and I'm sure you do dress up for birthdays, or your friend's! It's as basic as applying acne cream when you have pimples on your face or applying moisturizer after toning and toner after cleansing! Even the church also want us to dress up! Are you trying to imply that the church wants us to seduce people outside? Just to add on, being cheerful is my innate personality. I do not act out that cheerfulness of mine to seduce because I do not at all need to. I don't need so much guys revolving around me. 28 August 12:18 AM 12:06 AM
This is taken from my tag board at my previous url [felfel] : Blogger 1, felfel's response Blogger 2, Steph's response. anonymous you always say you let go le . but are you really letting go . your destroying his life and causing lots trouble in his life . you said you care . did you actually know how he feels ? forcing him to do something which he dont like , lets not say about studies . studies you can force all you want as its good for him . 22 July 2009, 05:03 [GMT] anonymous think of how tbut definitely not you and your friend . please be considerate . 22 July 2009, 05:04 [GMT] anonymous think of how to settle your own things before settling others . and now caused him to be a person he dont like which is like wow . goodjob . reflect it , does this call sister love . no offence of saying all these . but somehow alot people alread kan bu xia qu. and feel sad for him . people around him knows how he feel 22 July 2009, 05:04 [GMT] anonymous then what about r/s ? forcing him to clean break with the person he like , and he even called the person say sorry that he's been force and he hate it . retain doesn't mean anything , but should not act as if you know everything . forever poking into others business , its definitely not a good thngs . maybe you should 22 July 2009, 05:03 [GMT] Pasted from <> Yeah, I said I have already let it go but I'm still doing things, that is not for no reasons. From my point to view, I am not destroying his life and causing troubles for him. As much as you know that problems are arousing here and there, we talk things out as well. I said I care, of course I care. And as far as I know, for whatever that happens, I always give him a chance to talk and make decision. I admit I do not know his feelings and I am not going to defend myself for that. This is because I simply feel that no one is able to totally understand how another person feel in his/her heart entirely. I don’t think that I'm forcing him to do something he don't like because I have been giving him decision making chances. No one exactly knows what actually happened between me and him. So, in what position are you to say that of me and to question me? Talking about relationship, I have only spoken to him about it asking him what he want to do and suggested clean break for him and her because he told me that he don't like her anymore. You telling me that he called and apologised caught me dumbfounded. I do not know how much truth is there in your words but I definitely will clarify this matter with him. He have told me repeatedly that he too wants a clean break. Therefore, I don’t feel that my suggestion to him is a form of pressure. My retaining in school have got nothing to do with you, so you totally have no say in it. Hopefully you don’t wishfully think that this silly statement about me retaining will be like a knife stabbing in my heart. My decision to stay and retake my GCE 'O' level have got no business in this matter. Please don't rake it up as and when you like especially when you are not at all involved in my decision making. I don’t know everything and I don’t act as if I know everything. I act according to what I know. My reactions are genuine and I don’t regret in whatever I do. I tell the truth accordingly and I do not hide. I don’t poke in to other people's business, I help only when I feel that they need it. So far, I have no complaints from all my friends that I have rendered my help to. You are the first person telling me that I've poked my nose wrongly. Thank you for your concern about my problems. However, I don’t think that it should be a problem to you and I totally don’t see why you should be concerned about it. If he have already become a person that he himself don't like, he would not have told me so much on the day we had a showdown with her on the 22nd of July. Let me tell you what he have said. He said that he wants me to continue bothering him, in the sense that I still restrict him in doing things. I told him that letting his girlfriend pull the strings will give him the motivation . Moreover, his girlfriend is more important . He just plainly ask "if your boyfriend and your sister fall into the water at the same time, who will you save?" I smiled, I knew what he meant. He meant that as much as he want her to pull the strings, he want me to be there as well. That was why I stayed . That was why I didn't let go. This is not the first time I talk things out with him. I know communication is very important especially when so much things are happening. I totally do not need you to assess my sister love for him because it is beyond your measure. I was astonished when I myself did some things for him willingly. Whenever I eat, I would worry if he have eaten. Whenever I eat sumptuously, I would feel guilty if I know he is at home not eating. Whenever we both share food, I would always let him have a bigger portion so that he would have more to fill his stomach. Whenever he say he wants to go out and wants to get money from me because his parents did not give me enough, I would give it to him. Whatever he request from me, I try to satisfy him. Do you even qualify in assessing me? I don’t think so. If there are really a lot of people who cannot stand me, why is it that no one have confronted me so far? People feel sad for him? I reckon you should not tell me but tell him instead and tell him how much you empathize with him. If you really think that people around him knows how he feel, then why not you list out their names? You kept on accusing me of not knowing his feelings and did things that are not right, then do you know? Why not you say it out and also list out the troubles I have created for him? In this kind of things, we have to be specific. We cannot only talk about it superficially for this will not solve anything. I'm so sorry I cannot understand your word. What is tbut? What is it you want to talk about me and my friend? You want me to be considerate? I am already very considerate. What about you? Are you being considerate by tagging in my blog? I'm so sorry for that is not being considerate. If you have no idea about what is the situation here, please shut you mouth. Don’t make it out as if you know him very well since he have told you things. Perhaps this is only your point of view about his thoughts. What you think may not be right or true. If he really don’t like, he will say. You are not him, you cannot help him say. You kept accusing people of being a busybody then what about you? Don’t you know what the meaning of breaking up is? It meant that one of the both party have no more feelings for the latter and there will be a low percentage for them to mend the relationship and patch back. There is no wrong in you trying to find ways to mend the relationship but the way you done it is really wrong. Since that you have agreed to break up then why are you creating so much problems now? Have you got nothing better to do? You controlled him, scolded him in public, acting as if you are the empress around. For goodness sake, you said you love him but you appeared to be torturing him. Before you criticise people or slam people with accusation, please reflect on yourself. Please stop your pot calling a kettle black tricks. Talking about ruining his life, it would be you not others. Are you planning to 'kill' all your male friends outside? He is younger than you, are you out to destroy him? You are creating so much problems, one after another. Why don't you just kindly think before you act? Just exactly why are you doing all these? You are irritating everyone with all your actions you know. Are you trying to get the idea to people that you are a bitch? I can actually help you broadcast to everyone if you want to. You are older than him yet you are also the one who is doing all these idiotic and childish things just to get attention. He is definitely more mature than you in terms of his way of doing things etc. I wonder if your skull do contain a brain or not. Just simply unable to think properly. You are nothing but a self righteous person. It just aggravates people. Thinking of competing with people? With your childishness or what? Just tackle the particular part of us you don't like. Don’t drag ad drag and end up creating more troubles for us. If you think that we have nothing better to do, you are wrong. We still need to study alright! You have always acted as if you have studied so hard and the hard work are always bore by you. However, on the other hand, you created more and more problems to everyone around you . Yet you still say that you are tired and weak. Since that you feel so miserable from studying, then don’t study! I have never seen such a low level people like you. Always trying to appear pathetic in front of people to gain sympathy. There are people who have more problems and weaker than you okay? Please don’t act as if you know him that well. People do change! You will change, he too will change. Everyone changes! The Earth is round not square so please get your mindset right. Also, please don’t let anymore nonsense out from your mouth when you have no complete ideas of those happenings. Friday, August 21, 2009, 5:15 PM
21 August 20095:15 PM ![]() Blogger 1: Felicia. a.k.a FelFel 17 years old on 05 May 2009 Personal Blog: ![]() Blogger 2: Stephanie. a.k.a Steph 17 years old on 1 Nov 2009 |